Come and visit in our new location in via San Martino, 92-94-96R, we are waiting for you!

Dr Maddalena Iannaccone
Veterinary Surgeon

Exotic and Aquatic
Animal Consulting

Graduated Specialty
in “Management, breeding,
pathology of aquatic species”

(University of Milan,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Veterinary Surgeon at
“Genoa Aquarium”

telephone: (+39) 010-9820514
cellphone: (+39) 391-4095821
cellphone: (+39) 333-8663951

Fish medicine
Advice and veterinary management for:
Transport and quarantine;
diagnostic investigations (clinical examination, examination of the response to stimuli, examination of organic material collected).
Haematological analysis
(blood counts with formulas of leucocytes).
Ultrasound and Radiography.
Post-mortem examination.

Medicine in exotic animals
(reptiles, birds, rodents, small mammals, amphibians, marine mammals)
Consulting and management for:
Transportation and health quarantine.
Control and management
of all physiological conditions
(moult, lethargy, egg-laying).
Diagnosis (including examinations faeces, haematological analysis, ultrasound, X-rays).
Post-mortem examination.

Managing health care
in a controlled environment

Specialized Advice for “Aquatic Parks” including the planning and implementation of specific veterinary health plans
aimed at optimizing the animal welfare.
Theoretical and practical veterinary
training of aquarists.