
Iannaccone M. “Echocardiography evaluations in Giant Aldabra Tortoises (Aldabrachelys gigantea) using training procedures”. Oral presentation X Convegno Nazionale della Ricerca nei Parchi. November 2019, Bussolengo, Italy

Campolo M., Oricco S., Cavicchio P., Ulivi V., Piga S., Poggi M., Zanatta R., Iannaccone M. “Echocardiographic evaluation of four giant Aldabra tortoises (Aldabrachelys gigantea)” BMJ Veterinary Record Open Aug 2019, doi: 10.1136/vetreco-2018-000274

Campolo M., Oricco S., Cavicchio P., Ulivi V., Piga S., Poggi M., Zanatta R., Iannaccone M. “Training and voluntary echocardiography in Giant Aldabra Tortoises (Aldabrachelys gigantea)”. Poster presentation: European Association Zoo and Wild life Veterinarians, June 2019, Kolmarden, Sweden

Maddalena Iannaccone, Petra Rita Basso, Terenzio Congiu, Paolo Cavicchio, Valentina Ulivi, Marco Campolo. “Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) induced by Candida krusei in an Aldabra Giant Tortoise (Aldabrachelys gigantea) and confirmed by electron microscopy analysis”. Medical Mycology Case Reports. April 2018

Maddalena Iannaccone, Petra Rita Basso, Mario Raspanti, Paolo Cavicchio, Valentina Ulivi, Marco Campolo. “Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome in two Aldabra giant tortoises (Aldabrachelys gigantea)”. Oral presentation at Yaboomba congress, Paris, March 2018

Campolo M., Ulivi V., Iannaccone M. “Vibrio gigantis in mullet: a new potential pathogen in fish”. Oral presentation Conference of the European Association Fish Patologist, 4-7 September 2017, Belfast, Ireland UK

Iannaccone M., Ulivi. V., Campolo M. “Use and duration of deslorelin acetate in a Testudo Graeca to solve a chronic reproductive disorder”. Poster presentation: European Association Zoo and Wild life Veterinarians, 24-27 May 2017, Berlin

Campolo M., Spanò F. and Iannaccone M. “Harmful effects on African Clawed Frog (Xenopus laevis) reproduction as expression of high water phosphates levels”. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 5(2015) 634-640

Iannaccone M. Clinical approach to the resolution of fecaloma in Aldabra tortoises. Oral presentation at National Conference SIVASZOO, October 2015, Padova, Italy

Postiglione G., Accorsi P.A., Campolo M., Cavicchio P., Bono L., Iannaccone M. (2015). Ultrasound examinations and plasma progesterone concentrations of the alien species Thrachemys scripta during reproductive season in Italy. Oral presentation V Conference of the International Society of Wildlife Endocrinology, 12-14 October 2015, Berlin, Germany.

Iannaccone M., Spanò F., Postiglione G., Campolo M. (2015). Harmful effects on african clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) reproduction as expression of high water phosphates levels. Oral presentation Conference of the European Association Fish Patologist, 7-11 September 2015, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

Levi M., Avallone G., Sarli G., Postiglione G., Iannaccone M., Brunetti B. “Elodontoma and cementifying fibroma in a degu (Octodon degus)”. Poster presentation: LXIX Sisvet congress 2015, 15-17 June, Perugia, Italy.

Iannaccone M., Postiglione G., Menconi V., Campolo M. “Fish skin lesions: an old problem analysed in a new way”. Poster presentation: European Association Zoo and Wild life Veterinarians, 13-16 May 2015, Barcellona, Spain.

Iannaccone M., Postiglione G., Spanò F., Campolo M. “Management and veterinary protocols development for African Clawed Frog (Xenopus laevis) housed in an Italian research institute (1997-2014)”. Oral presentation 2nd International Conference on Avian herpetological and Exotic mammal Medicine, 17-23 April 2015, Paris, France.

Campolo M., Postiglione G., Menconi V., Magi G.E. and Iannaccone M. “First electrosurgical excision of fibrosarcoma in goldfish”. 26, Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol. 35 (1) 2015

Iannaccone M. “Giant tortoises: management and vet- problems”. Oral presentation at National Conference SIVASZOO, october 2014, Turin, Italy

Iannaccone M., Sanna Passino E., Campolo M., Bono L., Secci F., Columbano N. “Evaluation of chemical immobilisation with medetomidine-tiletamine-zolazepam-butorphanol and medetomidine-ketamine-butorphanol in Red-eared slider turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans)” Poster at International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals, May 2014, Warsaw, Poland

Iannaccone M., Rossi G. Magi G.E., Campolo M. “Acute respiratory distress syndrome in an uromastix (Uromastyx acanthinura nigriventris, 1820)“. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine. In press, 2014

Campolo M., Iannaccone M., Laricchiuta P., De Ruvo G., Menga G., Mangraviti D., Beretti C., Campanella F., Lai O. “Costipazione intestinale in Geochelone Sulcata. Osservazioni e soluzioni pratiche nel trattamento, anestesia e ospedalizzazione in soggetti di grosse dimensioni”. Poster at 78th International Congress SCIVAC, 31st May-2nd Jun 2013, Rimini, Italy

Iannaccone M., Mangraviti D. “Basal bacterial population in the oral cavity of captive Mediterranean Testudo Marginata, Testudo graeca and Testudo Hermanni. Preliminary results” Poster at International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals, May 2013, Vienna, Austria

Iannaccone M., Gattulli M., Crovetto A., “Repair of mandibular and palatal fracture in a Testudo graeca using acrili resin” Poster at International Conference on Avian, Herpetological and Exotic Mammal Medicine, April 2013, Wiesbaden, Germany

Rinaldi S., Iannaccone M., Magi G. E., Costantini E., Castagna A., Sanna Passino E., Maioli M. and Fontani V. “Physical reparative treatment in reptiles” BMC Veterinary Research Feb 2013, 9:39, doi:10.1186/1746-6148-9-39

Campolo M., Camarda A., Iannaccone M., Laricchiuta P., Circella E., Pugliese N., Menga G., de Ruvo G., Lai O. “Un grave focolaio di Poliomavirosi aviare in un allevamento di pappagalli ondulati (Melopsittacus undulatus) nel nord Italia, diagnosi e profilassi” . Oral presentation at 73th International Conference SCIVAC, 8th-10th June 2012, Rimini (Italy)

Iannaccone M., Crovetto A., Gattulli M., Ghirardo M., Raschi A. “Use of Palatal Expanders to correct the carapax growth of a Testudo Hermanni (Gmelin, 1789)” . Oral presentation at International Conference of reptilian and amphibian medicine, 13th-15th may 2012, Cremona (Italy)

G.E. Magi, Iannaccone M., G. Rossi. “Atypical cutaneous mycobacteriosis caused by Mycobacterium marinum in a goldfish (Carassius Auratus)”. Poster at International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals 2011, June 1-4 Lisbon, Portugal

Iannaccone M., G.E. Magi, G. Rossi, A. Crovetto. “Cryotherapy treatment for squamous cell carcinoma affecting a marginated tortoise (Testudo Marginata, 1789)”. Poster at International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals 2011, June 1-4 Lisbon, Portugal

Iannaccone M., G.E. Magi, G. Rossi “Acute respiratory distress syndrome in an uromastix (Uromastyx achantinura nigriventris, 1820)” . Oral presentation at International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals 2011, June 1-4 Lisbon, Portugal

Magi G.E.; Iannaccone M.; Gili C.; Rossi G.; Cardiac cholesterol granulomas in a piper gurnard, Trigla lyra (L.). (Journal of fish diseases. 2009; 32 (5) Pages: 473 – 475)

Magi G.E., Iannaccone M., Gili C., Renzoni G., Rossi G. “Esophageal rhabdomyoma in a Mediterranean Moray eel (Muraena helena, L. 1758)” Oral comunication at SISVET meeting in Palermo (september 2006).

Gili C., Sogorb A., Iannaccone M., Barao da Cunha M., Vannozzi J., Costa L. “Tursiops truncatus fetal extraction”. Oral presentation at Dolphin Reproduction Workshop October, 2-5 2005 Paris

Gili C., Iannaccone M., Gremigni Francini M. “Therapeutic approach to the control of an infestation of Neobenedenia melleni (Mac Callum, 1927 – Yamaguti, 1963) on specimen of batfish (Platax orbicularis, Forsskål 1775) maintained in a tropical mixed exhibit”. Poster presented at the 5th International Congress of Aquaculture in Verona, october 2003